Star Lodge 16, Kilrea
50 and 60 year Certificates

At the Stated Communication on Friday the 16th December Worshipful Brother James Lesley was presented with his sixty year certificate and jewel and Worshipful Brother Hamilton Houston was presented with his Fifty Year Certificate and Jewel by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master and the Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother David Linton who gave a detailed breakdown of both the Worshipful Brethrens' Masonic careers.
Star Lodge 16, Kilrea
Northern Ireland Hospice Donation £2,500

On Friday the 16th December the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Right Worshipful Brother Raymond Robinson and the members of Star Masonic Lodge Number 16, Kilrea presented a cheque for £2,500 to Mr. David Dixon of the Northern Ireland Hospice in memory of Star 16's late Secretary, Worshipful Brother John Armstrong. The cheque was presented in Kilrea Masonic Hall and Worshipful Brother Armstrong's widow Roberta and daughter Evie were both present and spoke very movingly of the wonderful care that John had received whilst in patient in the Hospice.
Garvagh M.L. 779
50 year Certificate and Jewel

Details l-r
W. Bro. John Kerr, R.W. Bro. Raymond Robinson P.G.M., W.Bro. Don Turner, W.Bro. Jonathan Nevin W.M., W.Bro. John Wilson
Thomas Gordon Turner (Don) and David Gerald Torrens (Gerald) were initiated, passed and raised as mMaster Masons on the same nights and received their 50 year Jewelas and Certificates on the evening of the 12th December 2022.
Don was proposed for membership on 11th September 1972 by Bro R.J.McMillan and seconded by Bro Uel Campbell and was initiated on 11th December 1972. He was passed to the Fellow Craft Degree on 9th March 1973, raised to the Master Mason Degree on 8th October 1973 and served as Worshipful Master in 1984.
Garvagh M.L. 779
50 year Certificate and Jewel

Back row l-r
R.W. Bro. Andrew Wilson, R.W. Bro. Raymond Robinson P.G.M., W.Bro. Ian Laughlin, , W.Bro. John
Front Row W. Bro. Gerald Torrens
Gerald was proposed for membership on 11th September 1972 by Bro Ken McLenaghan and seconded by Bro Eric McLenaghan and was initiated on 11th December 1972.
He was passed to the Fellow Craft Degree on 9th March 1973 and raised to the Master Mason degree on 8th October 1973.
He served as Worshipful Master in 1982 and was presented with his late father-in-law's (W.Bro Matt Moody's) 50-year jewel which was very kindly returned to the lodge by his family.
Victory 941, Castlerock
50 and 60 year Certificates

Photo details l-r
Bro. Robert Butler, W.Bro. Cecil Morrison, Rt.Wor. Raymond Robinson P.G.M. and V.W.Bro. Jackie Mitchell.
V.W. Bro. Mitchell received his 60 year certificate at the September communication of Victory 941, Castlerock, W. Bro. Morrison received his 50th at the October Communication and W.Bro. Butler his 50th certificate at the November communication.
It is interesting to note that W.Bro. Butler was the first person to receive a 50 year certificate and jewel who had not served 50 years service under the Grand Lodge of Ireland as only recently did Grand Lodge agree to recognize service in Scotland and vice versa. W.Bro. Butler's service in Lodges in Scotland was the first to be recognized after the agreement was made.
Friendship Lodge 341, Stranorlar
Annual Foodbank Donation

Photo details l-r
Bro. Nigel Patterson with Hugh, from We Care food bank receiving the annual donation from the brethren of Friendship 341, Stranorlar.
St. John's Lodge 281, St. Johnston
Bicentenary Celebration

Photo details l-r
M.W. Bro. Douglas Grey - M.W. the Grand Master, W. Bro. Philip Robinson - Worshipful Master 281 and R.W. Bro. Raymond Robinson - Provincial Grand Master.
St. John's Lodge 281, St. Johnston celebrated their Bicentenary on Saturday 5th November and were highly honoured by the presence of the Most Worshipful Grand Master, other Grand Lodge officers and Provincial Grand Lodge officers.
After the communication the ladies provided a superb 4 course meal with a succulent Roast Rib of Beef main course and the Donegal floury and fluffy potatoes were also outstanding.
Those who were fortunate enough to be invited will not forget the generous hospitality of the Lodge.
Presentation of 50 year jewel to W.Bro. Richard Crozier of Royal Blue Lodge No. 754 Coleraine

Photo details l-r
R.W. Bro. Alan Maguire P.A.G.M. presenting W.Bro. Richard Crozier with his 50 year jewel with the W.M., W.Bro. Trevor McCandless, on the right of the photograph. W. Bro. Crozier was installed W.M. in 1983 and served as Lodge Secretary from 2001 to 2010.
Presentation of 60 year certificate to
Bro. William J. Anderson
of Albert Edward M.L. No. 235 Coleraine

Photo details l-r
R.W. Prov. Grand Master presenting Bro. William J. Anderson with his 60 year cerificate.
Bro. Anderson was initiated on 04/04/1962, passed to a FC on 07/11/1962 and raised as a MM on 05/12/1962
Investiture of W.Bro. David Liddle, Royal Blue M.L. 754. Coleraine, as Hon. Past Prov. Senior Grand Deacon

Photo details l-r
R.W. Bro. Alan Maguire P.A.G.M. congratulating W.Bro. David Liddle, a fellow member and Trustee of Freemasons' Hall, Coleraine, after he was invested in his home as Hon.P.P.S.G.D. by the R.W. Provincial Grand Master.
175th Anniversary Communication and Celebratory Dinner

Photo details l-r
R.W. Bro. Raymond Robinson - Provincial Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Douglas Grey - M.W. the Grand Master and R.W. Bro. Robert G. Quigley - Past Provincial Grand Master and Grand Junior Warden.
A very enjoyable demisemiseptcentenial communication and celebratory dinner were held in the White House Hotel, Campsie on Thursday 29th August.
We were delighted to welcome the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Assistant Grand Master, the Grand Secretary, other Grand officers and Provincial Grand Lodge Officers from all but one of the Provinces in Ireland, as well as having excellent support from our own Brethren and 133 brethren sat down to dine.
Letterkenny 271 and Friendship 341 BBQ

Photo details l-r
Nigel Patterson, Lee McKinney WM 271, Alistair Moore WM 341, John McKinney, Lester Long, William McKinney. Missing from photo are Gordon Scanlon, Trevor Wylie and Darren Nesbitt.
A joint BBQ was held by Friendship 341 and Pioneer 271 Lodges in Letterkenny Masonic Hall on Saturday the 25th June. There was tremendous support from masons and their families from the two Lodges concerned and also those from a number of other Lodges.
It was good to see young children there enjoying themselves and despite the large attendance it was a very pleasant surprise to learn that the event raised €3,250 for Vision 2020. A magnificent sum!
Congratulations to the organising committee featured above and also to all those who supported the event.
Presentation of 50 year jewel to W.Bro. James Kay, Temple Lodge No. 138, Londonderry

Wor.Bro. James Kay receiving his 50 year jewel from Rt.Wor.Bro. Grahame Harper, Provincial Assistant Grand Master of Londonderry and Donegal, on Wednesday 1st.June 2022
James joined Freemasonry in 1972 and was installed as Worshipful Master of his Lodge in 1981 for the first time. He has served a further 3 terms as W.M.in the Lodge as well as serving as Lodge secretary for 4 terms. He is currently serving as Lodge Almoner, a post he has held for 15 years. James has been a committed member of Lodge 138 in particular and of Freemasonry in general during his 50 years, always ready and willing to assist where there is a need especially when charity events are being organised. His contribution to Lodge 138 has been exemplary.
James was delighted to receive the honour and he provided a delicious festive board for all his guests afterwards.
Presentation by Lodge 589 to T.L.C.

In March, one of our newest brethren decided to hold a Ploughing Match to raise funds for T.L.C.
He set about all the organizing, including the acquisition and permission to use suitable land by
himself. This was no mean undertaking for a first attempt, so he deserves full credit and thanks for
his sterling efforts.
The £1300.00 he raised was in memory of his late father, Mr.Ronnie Snodgrass.
Presenting a cheque for £1300.00 for T.L.C. to Wor.Bro.John McLaughlin (Past Master Lodge 589) is
Gregg Snodgrass, son of Bro.Stephen Snodgrass (third from right) who was the mastermind behind
the venture. Also in the picture is Wor.Bro.Raymond Lumsden, (lodge treasurer) extreme left, Miss
Miriam Snodgrass (Stephen’s daughter) and Wor.Bro.Colin McCandless (lodge secretary) extreme
We, in Freemasonry in general and 589 in particular, owe an enormous debt of gratitude to men of
Stephen’s talent for their enthusiastic endeavors to raise much needed money for worthy causes.
One of the hurdles in fundraising is conceiving new ideas so we are grateful for the foresight shown
by Stephen in this novel and successful enterprise.
Donation To Irish Kidney Association
by Lodge 287, Ballyshannon

Lodge 287, Ballyshannon, raised funds for the Irish Kidney Association as the Worshipful Master's partner, whilst waiting for a double Kidney and pancreas transplant, had a fatal kidney failure and sadly passed away. As can been seen from the attached photograph we raised some €900 for the charity. The secretary will also be liaising with the local press for a positive and suitable article. This was an extremely sad time for all brethren as she was well known, and very supportive of our order and the Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Joseph D'Arcy.
W.Bro. Paul Govier
9th February 2022
Donation To We Care LK Food Bank
by Friendship 341, Stranorlar

L - R, Darren Nesbitt SD, Moira from We Care Foodbank, Alistair Moore WM
On the 19th December Friendship Lodge made their annual donation to We Care LK Food Bank, Letterkenny, and what a fantastic effort from all the brethren as can be seen from the above photograph.
Moira thanked the brethren for their extremely generous donation and assured them of the importance of their donation to those in need in the community.
People of the Year Awards

W. Bro. Jim Kay (Temple Lodge 138)
The Derry Journal in partnership with BetMcLean Bookmakers hosted their annual “People of the Year Awards in the Everglades Hotel, Londonderry on Thursday 30th.September 2021. It was a glittering occasion including Adrian Logan acting as compere for the evening with the Mayor, Alderman Graham Warke, and several prominent sports personalities in attendance plus a superb meal provided by the hotel.
This year there were seventeen different categories. The awards recognise the contribution, commitment, and achievements of a wide range of people in the Derry City & Strabane area, paying homage to those who go the extra mile and are an asset in everything they do.
The category of interest to Freemasonry is “Charity Worker of the Year”.
I am delighted to announce that Wor.Bro.Jim Kay of Lodge 138 came second in this category. Jim has received several well deserved honours during his twenty years of voluntary service to Cancer Research U.K.
Congratulations to Jim on achieving another hard earned honour, one which he justly deserves. We should all be delighted that we have such a dedicated fund raiser in 138 in particular and within the ranks of Freemasonry in general, as his skills are also used for many Masonic fund raising endeavours.
R.W. Bro Noel Simpson - marking 50 years as a member of Island of Inch Lodge No. 589

Pauline and Noel with the bouquet of flowers and the cake from the Lodge
The premier lodge in Londonderry & Donegal (Island of Inch Lodge 589) are happy to inform you that R.W. Bro Noel Simpson has completed 50 years as a member. Noel received his first degree on the 25th June 1971, his Fellow craft degree on 24th September 1971 and his Master Mason degree on 8th December 1971. He became Worshipful Master of the lodge in 1980. As you will all be aware Noel served as a Provincial Grand Lodge Director of Ceremonies’ for 10 years. He is a member of numerous other Masonic bodies, holding positions as treasurer and secretary in some of them. Noel is also an elected member of the Grand Lodge of Instruction. He organises the Grand Master’s Millennium Cup Golf tournament each year, which has raised a substantial amount of money for various charities. Noel is similarly heavily involved in the organising of the “Young Musician of the Year” competition in Dublin and has had the honour of being the Grand Master’s Sword Bearer.
It would be very remiss not to mention that Noel is always ably assisted by his wife, Pauline, who has supported him throughout his Masonic career. We, in 589 in particular and Freemasonry in general, are truly lucky to have a member of the stature and knowledge of R.W. Bro Noel.
On Thursday 24th.June 2021 the Worshipful Master W. Bro John McLaughlin, the Lodge secretary, Wor.Bro.Colin McCandless and the Almoner, R.W Bro Arthur Graham paid Noel a visit. They presented him with a cake to mark this momentous occasion and Pauline was presented with flowers, all on behalf of the brethren of the lodge. A rewarding couple of hours were spent in their company with many amusing and interesting reminiscences being discussed.
Once we return to our communications we will formally acknowledge Noel’s 50 years in the lodge.
Arthur Graham 589
Friendship 341 Stranorlar support Donegal Foodbank

L.toR. Alistair Moore - W.M., Hugh Sweeney - We Care Foodbank and Lester Long - S.W.
Friendship 341, Stranorlar recently held a food Bank drive for We Care food Bank in Donegal. It was extremely well supported by brethren of the lodge and over €300 of food and supplies was donated to those families most in need at this time of year.
We Care extended a very warm thanks to all the members who contributed to this food drive, helping those who needed it most.
Victory 941, Castlerock supports Gateway Club

L.toR. Deirdre Shields, Gateway Secretary and member Jonathan Pentony, gratefully receiving a cheque for £800 from Mr. Sammy Nummy.
Jim McDonnell, Chairperson, has forwarded this press release.
Mr. Nummy presented the cheque on the first anniversary of the passing of his much adored Aunt, Sylvia McElroy on behalf of Victory 941 Masonic Lodge, Castlerock.
Mr. Nummy is the nephew of the late Sylvia McElroy a long serving volunteer, and past Chairperson of Newry & District Gateway Club.
We in Newry Gateway Club, are humbled by the support from the McElroy and Nummy families to continue a connection with us that has spanned several generations of their family, with their Grandmother Mrs. Elizabeth McElroy being involved with Gateway from it inception in November 1973.
Jim Kay receives Honorary Fellowship

Mr. Jim Kay receiving his Honorary Fellowship, awarded by Cancer Research.U.K.
from Ms.R. Armstrong, Manageress of Ferryquay Street shop.
It is only fitting that he was nominated to receive this prestigious award, the highest accolade that Cancer Research can bestow on a volunteer.`
Jim has been a dedicated part time volunteer at the Derry City shop for 20 years. His good humour, banter and gossip have made him popular with the many faithful regular customers who visit the shop in Ferryquay Street. Particular thanks must go to these patrons for their charitable support of the charity throughout the year, as without them the shop could not survive.
Even on his “off-duty” days Jim continually promotes Cancer Research in general and the shop in particular.
The Flame of Hope Awards celebrates the outstanding achievements of volunteers and fundraisers from across the U.K. They were introduced in 2003 and since then Cancer Research has recognised over 1,300 winners. Volunteers, supporters and staff are all motivated by the same purpose – beating cancer.
2020 is certainly a year none of us will forget
COVID-19 has been the biggest challenge we’ve faced in our history. We had to work quickly to provide protection for staff, customers, understand the impact on cancer patients and the charities’ lifesaving research.
Although we are predicting a drop in income this year of up to 30% it is with heartfelt thanks to our thousands of passionate volunteers that our mission has not faltered.
Friendship 341, Stranorlar, Cheque Presentation to
St. Joseph's Community Hospital

Presentation of cheque to staff of Finnview Wing at St. Joseph's Community Hospital, Stranorlar, from the Brethren of Friendship 341 for the purchase of Personal Protection Equipment.
L-R: Michael, Aidan, Alistair Moore WM, Shay, Lester Long SW, David Russell Alm
Friendship 341, Stranorlar, Cheque Presentation to Brentwood Manor Nursing Home

Presentation of cheque to staff of Brentwood Manor Nursing Home from the Brethren of Frienship 341, Stranorlar, to purchae Personal Protection Equipment.
L - R: David Russell Alm, Linda, John Kelly manager, Alistair Moore WM, Lester Long SW,
Laura, Jacqui and Janina