NEWS 2024 - 2025
2025 £500 Cheque to Simon Community, Coleraine

)n Friday7th February R.W. Bro. Alan Maguire (P. Asst. Grand Master), presented a cheque for £500 on behalf of PGL Chairties to the Simon Community in Coleraine. They currently house 16 people, 14 men and 2 woman, many of whom have issues with mental health, addiction or just homless, and currently they can be housed for up to two years.
The manager Joy was very appreciative, and informed me that her grandfather was a Freemason in Omagh.
2024 Children's Christmas Party

On Saturday 14th. December 2024 the Social Club in the Freemason's Hall, Bishop Street held their Childrens Christmas party.
Once again it was a remarkable success, enjoyed by all the children, and adults.
Special thanks must go to Wor. Bro. Norman Boyd and his wife Margaret, who devoted many hours of planning, and coordinating entertainers, food and helpers, ensuring everything went without a hitch.
Perhaps the most energetic and popular attraction for the children was the Bouncy Castle.
Some of the assistants for the day were Wor. Bro. Ivan Smyth who provided the music, Mrs. Irene Jones for her expert painting and coloring skills, Mrs. Julie Mercer for the skillful guidance at her cake and cookie stall. Thanks also go to Rt.Wor. Bro. Robert Mitchell for providing his customary annual role, which is a closely kept secret!!
Before Santa arrived, the children all enjoyed a tasty sausage supper, courtesy of The Village Fryer, Newbuildings. It was a pleasure to see how all the children enjoyed the various attractions, not to mention the highlight of the afternoon which of course was the arrival of Santa with a present for everyone.
Presentation of food donation to We Care Foodbank Letterkenny by Friendship 341

WM Nigel Patterson and WB Treasurer Alistair Moore.along with representatives Moira & Hugh of the We Care Food bank Letterkenny.
Donation of 750€ to Donegal Downs Syndrome from funds raised
from a Barbeque held by Friendship 341 and Pioneer 271

WM Nigel Patterson Friendship 341, Martin Pyper (representative of Donegal Down Syndrome and WBro John McKinney Pioneer 271
Donation of 750€ to Killygordon Primary School from funds raised
from a Barbeque held by Friendship 341 and Pioneer 271

WB John McKinney, Sylvia Speer (Representative of Killygordan Primary School)
and WB Nigel Patterson.
Provincial Grand Lodge Social Evening in White Horse Hotel

On Thursday 17th October the third and final Provincial Grand Lodge Social Evening for 2024 was held in the White Horse Hotel, Campsie, attended by approximately eighty guests.
The P.G.M. welcomed everyone, expressing his delight at the good attendance, and Provincial Assistant Grand Master, Rt. Wor. Bro. Robert Mitchell said Grace before we were treated to an exceptional carvery, followed by sweets with tea/coffee.
We were more than fortunate to have as compere and comedian for the evening, the well-known Gary Wilson who entertained us with his usual brand of comedy and laughter. He then introduced the famous Trevor Dixon who treated us to his solo act of music and song, demonstrating his talent for playing many different musical instruments.
At the end of the night, the P.G.M. again thanked everyone involved, especially Wor. Bro. Norman Boyd for his work in acquiring the talents of the performers and also the considerate hotel staff.
He wished everybody a safe journey home and as is the custom in Freemasonry, everyone joined in the singing of Auld Lang Syne to close a highly successful evening.
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Provincial Grand Lodge Social Evening in the Lodge Hotel

On Wednesday 9th October 2024 the second Social Evening was held in the Lodge Hotel, Coleraine, which is already renowned for its cuisine and hospitality.
The P.G.M. welcomed 120 guests and brethren and thanked all the Lodge Almoners for ensuring the safe transport of our guests to and from the venue.
Wor.Bro. John Kerr, a Provincial Grand Physician also spoke and gave the guests a warm welcome.
The evening commenced with a succulent carvery followed by a dessert and tea/coffee. For the rest of the evening, we were magnificently entertained by the music of the Deja-Vu trio.
As is customary on these nights, the ladies all received a small present, courtesy of their respective Lodges.
Provincial Grand Lodge Social Evening in Kee's Hotel

On Thursday 3rd October 2024 the Provincial Grand Master, Rt. Wor.Bro. Raymond Robinson hosted the first of the annual and popular Social Evenings around the Province, in Kee’s Hotel, Stranorlar, Co.Donegal.
The P.G.M. welcomed everyone to the venue and assured them of a first-rate dinner followed by some exhilarating cabaret.
He thanked, in particular, Wor. Bro. Gordon Scanlon who played a significant role in organizing the entire evening. He expressed his appreciation, to the various Lodge Almoners for their support and help with transport arrangements for those requiring it. Fifty-five guests enjoyed a first-class five-course meal, followed by some professional entertainment, provided by Gary McCready.
A few of the ladies even received instruction on a novel dance routine and, In conclusion, the P.G.M. thanked everyone present and wished them a safe journey home.
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Provincial Grand Lodge Golf Tournament

The Provincial Grand Lodge Golf Tournament was held at Foyle Golf Centre on Friday 14th June and the winner of the J.L.Rankin Cup was Frank McClintock (second from the left).
Our thanks go yet again to R.W. Bro. Raymond Eakin, who despite still recovering from a serious illness, managed to be there to ensure everything went like clockwork.
He was ably assisted by Worshipful Brothers John Walls, Trevor Purce, Ian Leslie and Gary Tosh who helped throughout the day. R.W. Bro. Eakin has yet again managed to increase the number of our sponsors to whom we are eternally grateful and to our competitors without whom the day would not have been possible.
The prize winners in the various categories are as follows:
Non Masonic Winner 1st Harry Phillips 36 pts
2nd Alex Madden 36pts
Masonic visitor 1st Gary Monteith 37pts
2nd Brian Monteith 35pts
Ladies. 1st Thelma Monteith 35pts
JL Rankin Trophy. 1st Frank McClintock 37pts
2nd Zane Cole 36pts
Provincial Grand Lodge presents Cheques to Charities

Rt. Wor.Bro. Raymond Robinson and the Asst. Provincial Grand Secretary Wor. Bro. Colin McCandless presented a cheque to Ms. Aimee Foley who received it on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Society. On the left is the Asst. Provincial Grand Master, Rt.Wor. Bro. Robert Overend and third from left is Rt. Wor. Bro. Alan Maguire, Asst. Provincial Grand Masters and Chairmen of the Entertainment committee.
(The actual donation was for £2100.00).
Rt. Wor. Bro. Robinson also presented cheques for £2100.00 to Mr Ian Crowe MBE for Air Ambulance Northern Ireland, of which Mr. Crowe is Joint Deputy Chair, and Mrs. Kathleen McBride MBE, the Public Relations Officer for the N.S.P.C.C. in Northern Ireland.
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On Saturday 8th June 2024 another successful “Cream Tea” was arranged for Lodge widows, senior brethren and their friends. A formal welcome was extended to everyone by the Ass.P.G.M. Rt.Wor. Bro. Robert Mitchell. The organizing of the event was in the capable hands of Rt.Wor.Bro. David Bratton and the food was prepared by Wor.Bro.Norman Boyd, with the capable assistance of his wife Margaret. Entertainment was provided by Ms. Laura Flanagan who provided some popular music, much appreciated by her audience. Our guests were also entertained by a short session of Bingo.
Grateful thanks must also be extended to the many Lodge members who so willingly gave their time to assist at the event or transported some of our guests to and from the venue.
Mrs. Marjorie Leslie, on behalf of the guests, spoke of her sincere appreciation to everyone involved and expressed her pleasure with these informal events as it created a welcome opportunity to meet and renew established friendships.
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Pioneer 271, Letterkenny Quiz Night raises €1,410 for Charity

Pioneer 271 held a very successful Quiz Night and raised €1410 for Alzheimers Society and the hall repair fund.
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